Welcome to VoiceTown

VoiceTown works for people from all over the world! Students pictured here are from Ukraine, Russia, India, Mexico, Brazil, Japan, Belarus, China, Cameroon and Cuba.

With the VoiceTown program, students can learn in the comfort of their own home and at their own pace. It is highly recommended that you study the Basic Lessons first. All the other materials are based on those lessons – they are the foundation of the program. In the Basic Lessons, you are taught how to make the sounds of English correctly and then you can learn to pronounce any English word correctly.

Students have found that learning the VoiceTown program helps improve their reading as well. You will learn patterns in English spelling and pronunciation that will help improve your reading speed and comprehension.

By learning the VoiceTown sounds, you will be better able to understand American English conversations and will gain the confidence to join in. Because you know what people are referring to, you are more likely to question them or comment on what they said. For instance, if someone is talking about a “mat,” you will no longer mistake it for mad, or math. You will now understand the context of the conversation.